Your refund request will be approved in the following cases:

- Order cancellation

You can cancel your order within 2 hours of placing the order via Contact Us. 

- Defective/damaged/incorrect item

You can request a replacement or a refund by File A Complaint via Contact Us. You should contact us within 20 days of receiving your order. 

The funds will be returned to the payment method that the payer initially used to make the purchase. Depending on the form of payment, you will receive your refund within:

- PayPal: max 3 business days

- Credit/debit card: max 14 business days

You will receive a refund notification via email/phone provided at check out once we authorise the refund. If you do not see a credit to your account within 14 business days, please present this notification to your banking institution so they may help you facilitate the process.

Note: Discount codes and UNI points will not be refunded as monetary value.